Department of Religious Studies

Doctoral Programs (Ph.D)

We offer Ph.D. study in four areas: Asian Religious Traditions, Islam, Society and Culture, Religion and Critical Thought, and Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean.

RAM now incorporates our prior Ph.D. programs in Early Christianity, and in Ancient Judaism, as well as various other ancient Mediterranean religions. All applications to study one or more religions of the Ancient Mediterranean should be made to RAM. 

Prospective applicants should also note that it is no longer possible to apply for the track in Religion, Comparison and Culture. Students interested in comparative work across two or more areas (ART, ISC, RCT, and RAM) should consult with the Director of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Advisor for these areas before submitting an application.

This field is devoted, but not limited, to the study of Islamic beliefs and practices within the cultural and historical context of the Middle East and South and Central Asia.
RCT students in this program focus on issues, problems, and texts concerning: philosophy and religion, religious ethics (that is, the interrelation among religion, ethics, and politics), and the theory of religion.


Prospective applicants are welcome to direct inquiries to Prof. Kera Street (, Prof. Nancy Khalek, Director of Graduate Studies (, Nicole Vadnais, Graduate Program Manager ( and/or any faculty member in the listed areas.

Graduate Advisors